High achieving students in the 12th grade receive scholarships that encourage high performance and help pay some of the higher costs for university admission. These scholarships recognize achievements in various subjects including mathematics, geography, languages, computer science, etc.
Awarded scholarships cost 1,350 lei each (1,200 lei is received by the pupil and 150 lei covers the cost of administration, promotion and related program costs). A donor can cover the cost of one or more scholarships or even just a fraction of one.
Among the children in institutions, foster care and the ones coming from low-income families there are some with exquisite talents. We are seeking to support these special children who happened to live in not such happy conditions. Sponsorships for talented children will include the payment of classes, courses, books, materials, participation in competitions, transportation and other related to the development of their talent.
Initiated by Remus Sime in 2012 and continued through a partnership with Good Samaritan, the ‘social scholarship’ program supports students from National College ‘Samuil Vulcan’ Beius. Social ‘Running for a cause’ scholarships have a value of 1200 lei each and help the beneficiary students with the costs of transport, text books, clothing, food etc.
Beneficiary students come from families where the parents are unemployed or have low income from their small holdings. Others have sick family members, very small illness pensions, or they are from single parent families (divorced or deceased parents). Often students are from rural areas where there are a limited number of work places, living conditions are lower (no inside toilet, etc.) and they have higher costs and difficulties with transport to school. Often the low income of their parents, limits the students in their ability to prepare to go to university, in developing their full potential and even means that they may risk abandoning school. However in spite of their difficulties, these students have been able to achieve very good school grades and to participate in various competitions.
Awarded scholarships cost 1,350 lei each (1,200 lei is received by the pupil and 150 lei covers the cost of administration, promotion and related program costs). A donor can cover the cost of one or more scholarships or even just a fraction of one.
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With the transition to market economy and the admission of Romania into the European Union, a university education is no longer free. At today's prices, (sure to rise each year) one year at university costs between $1000 and $3500 for tuition and books, for room, board and transportation.
Good Samaritan is thus forming a college education fund to which supporters can contribute, to help talented and low-income young people get a first-class education that will prepare them for better future, escaping the poverty cycle.
Most of the orphans end up completing a two year "professional" school instead of a four year high school. Little is learned at these professional schools and students are "graduated" with little or no skills to equip them to get by in the harsh Romanian society. They then try to make ends meet by working various very low-paid jobs. This is what they must do just to survive. That is why we want to give them chances for qualification in the areas of their talents. Without our assistance, there is no way they can get out of the vicious cycle of poverty and abandonment. As young adults some of the orphans decide to abandon their own children due to poverty, lack of education and job opportunities. For this we need sponsorships from people like you!