What We Do
- Social and professional integration
- emergency support (food and shelter) for the ones leaving the institutions or having difficulties after losing a job and transiting to another; life skills training (hygiene, nutrition and health, cooking, money management, communications skills, career development); support for issuing/renewing of identity papers – for the ones with no permanent address and no home of their own; development of institutional culture, understanding legislation, etc.
- Child abandonment prevention program - material support for the families identified to be with higher risk of abandonment
- Educational program
—school and kindergarten support for the orphans’ children, orphans in institutions, children from low-income families, school assistance (books, bags,etc.), financial support for the graduation of a vocational training, support for the graduating of high school /college—for talented students with reduced or no means; college support for orphans and talented students from low income families; special talents development for students with special talents.
- Housing program—renting premises to orphans at a low price; building of houses (in partnership with Habitat for Humanity and other similar charities) for orphans and their families who can pay them back with no interest or profit for a period of maximum 20 years.
- Medical and dental care program;
- Modernizing of state hospitals program