School Assistance

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School AssistanceGiven the bad economic situation in Romania low-income families are in real distress when it comes to ensuring funds for the many basic needs of the family. Children are perhaps the most vulnerable members of the family. It is hard to explain to a child why mommy and daddy cannot send you to school and provide for his basic needs of clothes, food and school supplies. To ensure that the children of orphans and the ones coming from underprivileged families have a fair start, we would like to help them provide school supplies, so they can fully access educational opportunities.


Each child would receive 25 Euro single assistance in order to cover expenses for school books, bags and other needed school items. 1000 Euro is the support for 40 children.

In this program Good Samaritan is partnering with several other local/national organizations that are specialized in educational programs and preventing the school abandonment.

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Giving a chance. Teaching the skills. Building a better future.