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andreea end of school yearAndreea Toma is a blond sweet child full of life and hope. Unfortunately at the age of 3 she was diagnosed with lymphoblast acute leukemia. She had also suffered a brain tumor surgery and later had undergone chemotherapy. Her parents went through a real tragedy finding out the child was sick. Both had low income while the treatment was urgent and costly (1600 euro/month). The mother who grew up in an orphanage and the father, a factory worker, gathered all the courage they had and started fighting for the life of their little angel soliciting the support of the Beius community. Good Samaritan came along to offer support in the fundraising process and with the help of many local volunteers had succeeded to fundraise all the funds needed for the 2 years treatment as well as to cover some of the daily family needs.

A charitable concert was organized during which volunteers sold donated objects and goods to raise funds. The city hall had come with a solid contribution too. The mother became Andreea’s personal assistant and spent months in the hospital supporting the child to go through the painful treatment. Father appealed to the generosity of his friends and colleagues to contribute to the organization’s efforts to raise the needed funds. Andreea had been a little hero while the people of Beius showed all their support and generosity praying and hoping Andreea will be healthy again. After the last tomographic consultation a week ago the results are good and the child is cancer free! She is in second grade and is back to her normal life!


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